Vanilla pod extract*

Top-quality vanilla pods are placed in alcohol and extracted to make our vanilla pod extract. The extract obtained in this way excels as a result of its characteristic, inimitable smell and its natural, typical and genuine vanilla pod flavour.
The vanilla pods come from farms in Madagascar and are grown and processed with great care and expertise. The special mixture determines the unmistakeable flavour of our vanilla pod extract no. 585. We also recommend it for preparing vanilla ice cream, vanilla cream, custard and vanilla fillings. It is also indispensable for complementing the flavour of many confectionery products - for example, cream cakes. It has a special field of use in the premium sector for pastries, as it only remains stable in baking situations to a degree.
  • A purely natural vanilla pod extract
  • Remains stable when frozen
  • Only remains stable to a certain degree when baked
  • No colourings or preservatives

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Bakery, Ice, Confectionery, Clean Label

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*This product may not be used for drinking purposes or for the production of alcoholic beverages. Improper use has consequences under criminal and tax law.